The name "bāduànjǐn", actually means "Eight pieces of brocade" as a metaphor for very valuable things or treasures.
Like the "Five Animal Play" the "Eight Brocades" belong to the oldest forms of qigong.
Purportedly they originate from Zhōnglí Quán, chin. 鐘離權 (618 - 905) General of the Han-dynasty. As a primal evidence for their existence there are silk paintings from the third grave of Mawangdui, from 168 BC.

The Chinese Health QiGong Association (CHQA) and the University of Sports in Beijing, China, have created a standard for the "Eight Brocades" at the beginning of this century. Yet there is a large number of different forms. At Zehnthaus Steinbach you learn the form of Centre Qigong, and a version according to Rolf Roth.
"bā duàn jǐn"
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